Package 'relliptical'

Title: The Truncated Elliptical Family of Distributions
Description: It offers random numbers generation from members of the truncated multivariate elliptical family of distribution such as the truncated versions of the Normal, Student-t, Laplace, Pearson VII, Slash, Logistic, among others. Particular distributions can be provided by specifying the density generating function. It also computes the first two moments (covariance matrix as well) for some particular distributions. References used for this package: Galarza, C. E., Matos, L. A., Castro, L. M., and Lachos, V. H. (2022). Moments of the doubly truncated selection elliptical distributions with emphasis on the unified multivariate skew-t distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189, 104944 <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104944>; Ho, H. J., Lin, T. I., Chen, H. Y., and Wang, W. L. (2012). Some results on the truncated multivariate t distribution. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(1), 25-40 <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2011.06.006>; Valeriano, K. A., Galarza, C. E., and Matos, L. A. (2021). Moments and random number generation for the truncated elliptical family of distributions. Statistics and Computing, 33(1), 32 <doi:10.1007/s11222-022-10200-4>.
Authors: Katherine A. L. Valeriano [aut, cre] , Larissa Avila Matos [ctb] , Christian Galarza Morales [ctb]
Maintainer: Katherine A. L. Valeriano <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2025-03-09 04:27:13 UTC

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Mean and Variance for Truncated Multivariate Elliptical Distributions


This function approximates the mean vector and variance-covariance matrix for some specific truncated elliptical distributions. The argument dist sets the distribution to be used and accepts the values Normal, t, Laplace, PE, PVII, Slash, and CN, for the truncated Normal, Student-t, Power Exponential, Pearson VII, Slash, and Contaminated Normal distribution, respectively. Moments are computed through Monte Carlo method for the truncated variables and using properties of the conditional expectation for the non-truncated variables.


mvtelliptical(lower, upper = rep(Inf, length(lower)), mu = rep(0,
  length(lower)), Sigma = diag(length(lower)), dist = "Normal",
  nu = NULL, n = 10000, = 0, thinning = 3)



vector of lower truncation points of length pp.


vector of upper truncation points of length pp.


numeric vector of length pp representing the location parameter.


numeric positive definite matrix with dimension ppxpp representing the scale parameter.


represents the truncated distribution to be used. The values are 'Normal', 't', 'Laplace', 'PE', 'PVII', 'Slash', and 'CN' for the truncated Normal, Student-t, Laplace, Power Exponential, Pearson VII, Slash, and Contaminated Normal distributions, respectively.


additional parameter or vector of parameters depending on the density generating function. See Details.


number of Monte Carlo samples to be generated.

number of samples to be discarded as a burn-in phase.


factor for reducing the autocorrelation of random points.


This function also considers the univariate case. The argument nu is a parameter or vector of parameters depending on the density generating function (DGF). For the truncated Student-t, Power Exponential, and Slash distribution, nu is a positive number. For the truncated Pearson VII, nu is a vector with the first element greater than p/2p/2 and the second element a positive number. For the truncated Contaminated Normal distribution, nu is a vector of length 2 assuming values between 0 and 1.


It returns a list with three elements:


the mean vector of length pp.


the second moment matrix of dimensions ppxpp.


the variance-covariance matrix of dimensions ppxpp.


The Normal distribution is a particular case of the Power Exponential distribution when nu = 1. The Student-t distribution with ν\nu degrees of freedom results from the Pearson VII distribution when nu = ((ν\nu+p)/2, ν\nu).

In the Student-t distribution, if nu >= 300, the Normal case is considered. For Student-t distribution, the algorithm also supports degrees of freedom nu <= 2. For Pearson VII distribution, the algorithm supports values of m <= (p+2)/2 (first element of nu).


Katherine L. Valeriano, Christian E. Galarza and Larissa A. Matos


Fang KT, Kotz S, Ng KW (2018). Symmetric multivariate and related distributions. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Galarza CE, Matos LA, Castro LM, Lachos VH (2022). “Moments of the doubly truncated selection elliptical distributions with emphasis on the unified multivariate skew-t distribution.” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189, 104944. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104944.

Valeriano KA, Galarza CE, Matos LA (2023). “Moments and random number generation for the truncated elliptical family of distributions.” Statistics and Computing, 33(1), 32.

See Also



# Truncated Student-t distribution
mu = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
Sigma = matrix(data = c(1,0.2,0.3,0.2,1,0.4,0.3,0.4,1), nrow=length(mu),
               ncol=length(mu), byrow=TRUE)

# Example 1: one doubly truncated student-t (nu = 0.80) and Laplace
a = c(-0.8, -Inf, -Inf)
b = c(0.5, 0.6, Inf)
MC11 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "t", 0.80) # Student-t
MC12 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "Laplace") # Laplace

# Example 2: two doubly truncated student-t (nu = 0.80)
MC12 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "t", 0.80) # By default n=1e4

# Truncated Pearson VII distribution
MC21 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "PVII", c(1.90,0.80), n=1e6) # More precision
c(MC12$EY); c(MC21$EY)
MC12$VarY;  MC21$VarY

# Truncated Normal distribution
MC31 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "Normal", n=1e4)
MC32 = mvtelliptical(a, b, mu, Sigma, "Normal", n=1e6) # More precision

Sampling Random Numbers from Truncated Multivariate Elliptical Distributions


This function generates observations from a truncated multivariate elliptical distribution with location parameter mu, scale matrix Sigma, lower and upper truncation points lower and upper via Slice Sampling algorithm with Gibbs sampler steps.


rtelliptical(n = 10000, mu = rep(0, length(lower)),
  Sigma = diag(length(lower)), lower, upper = rep(Inf, length(lower)),
  dist = "Normal", nu = NULL, expr = NULL, gFun = NULL,
  ginvFun = NULL, = 0, thinning = 1)



number of observations to generate. Must be an integer >= 1.


numeric vector of length pp representing the location parameter.


numeric positive definite matrix with dimension ppxpp representing the scale parameter.


vector of lower truncation points of length pp.


vector of upper truncation points of length pp.


represents the truncated distribution to be used. The values are 'Normal', 't', 'Laplace', 'PE', 'PVII', 'Slash', and 'CN' for the truncated Normal, Student-t, Laplace, Power Exponential, Pearson VII, Slash, and Contaminated Normal distribution, respectively.


additional parameter or vector of parameters depending on the density generating function. See Details.


a character with the density generating function. See Details.


an R function with the density generating function. See Details.


an R function with the inverse of the density generating function defined in gFun. See Details.

number of samples to be discarded as a burn-in phase.


factor for reducing the autocorrelation of random points.


The dist argument represents the truncated distribution to be used. The values are Normal, t, 't', PE, PVII, Slash, and CN, for the truncated Normal, Student-t, Laplace, Power Exponential, Pearson VII, Slash, and Contaminated Normal distribution, respectively.

The argument nu is a parameter or vector of parameters depending on the density generating function (DGF). For the truncated Student-t, Power Exponential, and Slash distribution, nu is a positive number. For the truncated Pearson VII, nu is a vector with the first element greater than p/2p/2 and the second element a positive number. For the truncated Contaminated Normal distribution, nu is a vector of length 2 assuming values between 0 and 1.

This function also allows generating random numbers from other truncated elliptical distributions not specified in the dist argument, by supplying the density generating function (DGF) through arguments either expr or gFun. The DGF must be a non-negative and strictly decreasing function on (0, Inf). The easiest way is to provide the DGF expression to argument expr as a character. The notation used in expr needs to be understood by package Ryacas0, and the environment of R. For instance, for the DGF g(t)=etg(t)=e^{-t}, the user must provide expr = "exp(1)^(-t)". See that the function must depend only on variable tt, and any additional parameter must be passed as a fixed value. For this case, when a character expression is provided to expr, the algorithm tries to compute a closed-form expression for the inverse function of g(t)g(t), however, this is not always possible (a warning message is returned). See example 2.

If it was no possible to generate random samples by passing a character expression to expr, the user may provide a custom R function to the gFun argument. By default, its inverse function is approximated numerically, however, the user may also provide its inverse to the ginvFun argument to gain some computational time. When gFun is provided, arguments dist and expr are ignored.


It returns a matrix of dimensions nnxpp with the random points sampled.


The Normal distribution is a particular case of the Power Exponential distribution when nu = 1. The Student-t distribution with ν\nu degrees of freedom results from the Pearson VII distribution when nu = ((ν\nu+p)/2, ν\nu).


Katherine L. Valeriano, Christian E. Galarza and Larissa A. Matos


Fang KT, Kotz S, Ng KW (2018). Symmetric multivariate and related distributions. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Ho HJ, Lin TI, Chen HY, Wang WL (2012). “Some results on the truncated multivariate t distribution.” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(1), 25–40. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2011.06.006.

Neal RM (2003). “Slice sampling.” Annals of statistics, 705–741.

Robert CP, Casella G (2010). Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R, volume 18. New York: Springer.

Valeriano KA, Galarza CE, Matos LA (2023). “Moments and random number generation for the truncated elliptical family of distributions.” Statistics and Computing, 33(1), 32.

See Also




# Example 1: Sampling from the Truncated Normal distribution
mu  = c(0, 1)
Sigma = matrix(c(1,0.70,0.70,3), 2, 2)
lower = c(-2, -3)
upper = c(3, 3)
sample1 = rtelliptical(5e4, mu, Sigma, lower, upper, dist="Normal")

# Histogram and density for variable 1
ggplot(data.frame(sample1), aes(x=X1)) +
   geom_histogram(aes(y=after_stat(density)), colour="black", fill="grey", bins=15) +
   geom_density(color="red") + labs(x=bquote(X[1]), y="Density") + theme_bw()

# Histogram and density for variable 2
ggplot(data.frame(sample1), aes(x=X2)) +
   geom_histogram(aes(y=after_stat(density)), colour="black", fill="grey", bins=15) +
   geom_density(color="red") + labs(x=bquote(X[2]), y="Density") + theme_bw()

# Example 2: Sampling from the Truncated Logistic distribution

# Function for plotting the sample autocorrelation using ggplot2
acf.plot = function(samples){
 p = ncol(samples); n = nrow(samples); q1 = qnorm(0.975)/sqrt(n); acf1 = list(p)
 for (i in 1:p){
   bacfdf = with(acf(samples[,i], plot=FALSE), data.frame(lag, acf))
   acf1[[i]] = ggplot(data=bacfdf, aes(x=lag,y=acf)) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0)) +
     geom_segment(aes(xend=lag, yend=0)) + labs(x="Lag", y="ACF", subtitle=bquote(X[.(i)])) +
     geom_hline(yintercept=c(q1,-q1), color="red", linetype="twodash") + theme_bw()
 return (acf1)

mu  = c(0, 0)
Sigma = matrix(c(1,0.70,0.70,1), 2, 2)
lower = c(-2, -2)
upper = c(3, 2)
# Sample autocorrelation with no thinning
sample2 = rtelliptical(10000, mu, Sigma, lower, upper, expr="exp(1)^(-t)/(1+exp(1)^(-t))^2")
grid.arrange(grobs=acf.plot(sample2), top="Logistic distribution with no thinning", nrow=1)

# Sample autocorrelation with thinning = 3
sample3 = rtelliptical(10000, mu, Sigma, lower, upper, expr="exp(1)^(-t)/(1+exp(1)^(-t))^2",
grid.arrange(grobs=acf.plot(sample3), top="Logistic distribution with thinning = 3", nrow=1)

# Example 3: Sampling from the Truncated Kotz-type distribution
mu  = c(0, 0)
Sigma = matrix(c(1,-0.5,-0.5,1), 2, 2)
lower = c(-2, -2)
upper = c(3, 2)
sample4 = rtelliptical(2000, mu, Sigma, lower, upper, gFun=function(t){t^(-1/2)*exp(-2*t^(1/4))})
f1 = ggplot(data.frame(sample4), aes(x=X1,y=X2)) + geom_point(size=0.50) +
     labs(x=expression(X[1]), y=expression(X[2]), subtitle="Kotz(2,1/4,1/2)") + theme_bw()
ggMarginal(f1, type="histogram", fill="grey")